Nacht der Forschung am kommenden Freitag in Heidelberg und Mannheim!

Am 28. September 2018 öffnen zahlreiche wissenschaftliche und kulturelle Einrichtungen in Heidelberg – und das Technoseum in Mannheim – bis spät in die Nacht ihre Türen.

Auf die Besucher und Besucherinnen warten von 15 Uhr bis Mitternacht unzählige spannende Programmpunkte mit einzigartigen Einblicken in die vielfältigen, internationalen Forschungstätigkeiten in Heidelberg und der Region. Das Programm kann hier eingesehen werden. Veranstaltungen, die eine Online-Anmeldung benötigen können dort auch direkt gebucht werden.

Auch zu den Themen Sprache und Literatur gibt es interessante Veranstaltungen, wie beispielsweise diese:

Sprachenlernen im Alter: Training fürs Gehirn?

Discovering Science in Literature

Der Eintritt zu allen Veranstaltungen ist frei. Weitere Informationen sind hier einsehbar. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Entdecken!

Call for papers – Panel ‘Legitimation processes in discourse: new theoretical and empirical insights’

Call for papers!                                                                                                          Contributions are sought for the panel ‘Legitimation processes in discourse: new theoretical and empirical insights’ which is expected to be presented at the 23rd DiscourseNet Conference: Discourse, power and mind: between reason and emotion, held at the University of Bergamo, Italy 6-8 June 2019.

The aim of the panel is to explore the different ways in which discourse (in its amplest meaning of ‘language in use’) is key in processes of legitimation across a variety of socio-political contexts. Whilst contributions can be theoretically focused or driven by empirical analysis, they are expected to build on the wealth of literature on the topic and to show how they contribute to the advancement of the knowledge in the field of Critical Discourse Studies from fresh perspectives. Possible suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

  • The role of (new) media in legitimation processes
  • Theoretical contributions to understanding the construction of ‘legitimation chains’
  • Legitimation crisis of the EU
  • Naturalisation/Institutionalisation of extreme political discourses
  • Legitimation through ‘fake news’

Deadline: A 500 words abstract in English should initially be submitted to no later than 7th October 2018 with:    title of the paper, author’s affiliation, topic, key theoretical/analytical approach and key contribution to the field.

Acceptance to the panel will be notified to contributors by 10th October. Authors of accepted contributions will be required to submit a shorter version of their abstract to the conference organisers following the instructions detailed on the conference website.

It is expected that papers successfully presented at the panel will be included in an edited publication.

Further enquiries can be addressed to: